Encouragement from Heaven to Keep Going

“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,” (Hebrews 12:1 NASB).

What do you do when you feel like giving up? Everyone has that moment where they’ve been struggling with something—it may be a health issue, a broken relationship, financial problems, or depression—and they start to wonder if they have the strength to keep going because they just can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel.

If you find yourself at that point today, I want to share some encouragement with you from Hebrews 12 and give you a powerful reason to keep on keeping on. STAY IN THE FIGHT!

Hebrews 11 is the “faith chapter” that tells us about great people of the faith—Abraham, Moses, David, and many others. Their stories are sources of encouragement in and of themselves. But a phrase that starts off the first verse of the next chapter is what I want to focus on. Hebrews 12:1 says, 

“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of surrounding us . . .” (NASB)

What Paul is saying is that you don’t want to give up because heaven is watching and cheering for you. That’s encouraging news!

You have an audience. Nothing you have ever done has been hidden from heaven. God sees it all! As Job says, ““Does He not see my ways, and number all my steps?” (Job 31:4 NASB).

And Jesus tells us,  Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.” (Luke 12:7 NASB).

God knows every detail of your life. He watches every breath you take. There are no secrets between you and him.

And it’s not just God who’s watching. Abraham, Jacob, Moses, and all the other saints are there as well.

How is this encouraging? When you start to get discouraged, remember that people who have gone through much worse circumstances than you are watching to see how well you’re enduring.

When you feel like giving up, remember the people who have gone before you and are offering you encouragement through their life stories of faith.

Talk It Over

  • Why is it important to know the stories of people of faith in the Bible?
  • What do you think God wants you to do with your life on this earth? Why does he want you to endure?
  • What are some other sources of encouragement you can draw from God’s Word?

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